A lucky red packet—Sharkonomics’ Chinese edition is out now

The first edition of Sharkonomics sold almost 10,000 copies in Simplified Chinese available in Mainland China. Now another edition in Complex Chinese that is available in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau is out, with a bright red cover—which, of course, is lucky in China.

I hope that Chinese readers bite hard and fast on this edition, too.

There seems to be a great buzz about the book and topic. I have always been curious about China but I have yet to visit. I hope one day to hold lectures about Sharkonomics in China.
Bookstore: Kingstone.com.tw

Update 7 November, 2018
Two Chinese press clips for Sharkonomics (biting into Apple and Ikea).

Update 1 Mars, 2019
Second edition of Complex Chinese Sharkonomics is out now.

Update 18 May, 2020
斯蒂芬·安吉瑟斯 Stefan Engeseth Keynote Speaker at the leading speaker agency in China / The China Speaker Bureau.