A naked CEO selling clothes

He walks naked on the documentary The World’s Richest People on Discovery Channel. Not many CEO walks around naked in TV, and not many of them got to become rich by selling clothes naked. Frenchman and Hindu monk Christian Fabre did this and much more.

He has a staff of 40 at head office and as many as 62,000 workers in 35 factories in India and China. M Fabre may also be the world’s least expensive executive. Although a co founder of Fashion International with two Indian partners, his Hinduism demands he holds no attachment to anything worldly, including clothes for the most part. It also means that he holds no shares in the company he directs. “I get paid only 10,000 rupees (Pounds 130) a month, just for pocket money,” he says. “There is no Swiss bank account, no hidden funds, no other agenda.” Ericellis.com