Recently I had the honor to be the opening speaker at IRM’s conference: Business Model innovation 2012. Even if I wish I was the reason why top management from Ericsson and other leading companies came to this conference, I have to to admit that I was more of an opening act for the world class speaker Alexander Osterwalder. My Sharkonomics speech was focusing on why companies need to move in order avoid becoming sharkfood. Alexander showed how to move by using Business Model innovation. His way of making the audience work is world-class.
During the day Alexander reflected and included my speech in this full day workshop with expressions like:
Yours successful, yes thats great, start again, thats Sharkonomics!
Alexander took a bite into the shark thinking and reflected often with references such as the blue and red ocean strategy.
Another of his excellent points was to start move management out of the box they are stuck in. There are often too many barriers in management blocking CHANGE.
Here are my favorite expressions from Alexander:
• Writing business plan is carrier suicide.
• Rest in peace.
• Prototype different thinking.
• Apple did not know.
After the lecture I asked him about one of his one-liners: “Failure is part of the learning experience.”
He explained that learning is the goal with failure. The goal is to fail cheaply. Willing to fail allow a learning strategy.
I would love to see the first university that graduates student in failure MBA. It will happen if thinkers as Alexander puts failure into the business model.
Thanks to IRM for arranging
this excellent seminar.