Why is software today so Stone Age? When AI is so amazing?
Why is software today so Stone Age? When AI is so amazing?
Why is software today so Stone Age? When AI is so amazing? Läs mer »
Why is software today so Stone Age? When AI is so amazing?
Why is software today so Stone Age? When AI is so amazing? Läs mer »
Because I am as curious as a two-year-old kid and have interviewed many of the sharpest thinkers in their fields, I can’t wait for these two days, which will be centered around how AI will impact the future of society, business, education, and work. This summit features over 80 world-class speakers, including Yuval Noah Harari,
Check out The Future Talent Summit with Yuval Noah Harari! Läs mer »
In her magical speech at TEDWomen, does anyone else believe that Margaret Heffernan explained why Swedes are so innovative? She does mention ”fika” to be a part of the success… watch it with some coffee and you’ll get the point even more.
Cracking the Swedish innovation code! Läs mer »
1. Greta’s first steps on Earth 2. Does Chat GPT increase demand for our unique capabilities? 3. A sharp book reviewed by Jack Yan 4. Our brains expand with music 5. Carolina Klüft: 90% of the result comes from play 6. Podcast: Sharks, sharkonomics and what a few hundred million hears of evolution has to
Top 10 most popular posts. Updated: 6 June 2023 Läs mer »
Sharkonomics 2 reviewed by Jack Yan: ”A bite-sized business book…”.
A sharp book reviewed by Jack Yan Läs mer »
After 8 language editions, it feel that its time for an update.Thanks for the inspiration Jens Wernborg.Take a bite at Sharkonomics.com.
New Web Design for Sharkonomics Läs mer »
Podcast: Listen on World of Wisdom, EP176 by Amit Paul.
Imagine if we lived in space and sent Greta Thunberg to take man’s first steps on planet Earth. Recently I attended on an event on the theme of space – the above thought was raised, maybe you can help me answer some questions that are now spinning like a satellite in my skull: What would
Greta’s first steps on Earth Läs mer »
1. How quickly does your talent develop from 0-100 km/h? 2. Does Chat GPT increase demand for our unique capabilities? 3. Genetic differences are the drivers of innovation and evolution 4. Our brains expand with music 5. AI will move dots like popcorn 6. Carolina Klüft: 90% of the result comes from play 7. How
Top 10 most popular posts. Updated: 18 April 2023 Läs mer »