What company would dare have a Robin Williams on the board of directors? In fact, most companies have a number of Robin Williams already disguised in discrete gray suits. They just need a cold shower to blossom.
“Creativity is everywhere and belongs to everyone. We just have to learn to hear it and see it. We mustn’t educate talent to death.”
“Children are wonderful consultants in the art of listening. Many companies would stand to gain from letting their employees bring their children to work one day a month to open our minds. And we would get more than just new ideas.”
“Or why not have the next board meeting at a day care center?”
One thing is for sure: It’s impossible to capture Stefan Engeseth on paper. This self-taught marketer is bubbling over with ideas – so much so that he has been passed over for a number of jobs because he has been labeled too intense. Today, he spends half his time building up a showroom for the Swedish Postal Service and the other half creating a membership communication platform at Letsbuyit. His driving force is creativity.
“In everything you create, you create yourself – a wonderful bonus.”
But if creative people can’t find interest for their ideas in company, they focus their energy outside the company. This is a serious problem in the corporate world.
It’s all about a meeting of minds – letting people meet and generating synergy. Stefan Engeseth once invited a janitor to a meeting to share his opinions with management. His book Detective Marketing has gotten a good many conventional advertising people to choke on their coffee.
“Ignorance can be a resource. People who don’t know much about a particular subject can often see blind spots that experts miss.”
“Most success begins with a difficult period. If a company wants to create a unique product, it has to pay its dues somehow.”
Jornalist: Mia Odabas
Foto: Samir Soudah