How powerful is

They are so powerful that they can afford to tell other advertisers: Don’t forget other media channels as TV, radio and print. This was said by Trevor Johnson, Head of Stragety and Planning EMEA, Facebook, in an inspiring lecture called “In your face” at Stockholm Mediaweek. Trevor did not say this in order to brag about how powerful has become. In Sweden the hype has grown so enormous that I believe Trevor wanted to lower expectations for what Facebook can achieve for advertisers.
After the lecture I interviewed Trevor. I asked him if advertisers need to understand the Facebook culture in order to connect with users? He answered that “they only need to understand people.”
Here are some of Trevor’s best points from the lecture and our meeting: has today 400 million active users computers and 100 million users using mobile (mobile users are 2,5 times more active than computer users).
Brands are becoming publishers and they are using Facebook as the melting-pot/landing page for the content.
How can we connect to authentic people, rather than IP numbers?

When I mentioned to Trevor that I think Internet is starting to get old, he disagreed. Most people disagree with me but what I mean is that mobile solutions could grow faster if not so many resources where placed in old solutions.
I am also interested in what’s going to happen when and if Facebook combine and connect mobile solutions with payment models. If they did that shops would not only be able to connect with their multimillion tribes but Facebook would also be able to sell their products directly. Next step for social media could then be – shop until you drop…

Stockholm Mediaweek has become an important social platform for Swedes to connect in the off-line word. The word Trevor used most was engage, and that I think is what Stockholm Mediaweek has established – an engaging platform (credit to Per Rosvall).