Is Amnesty carton killing the Olympic spirit in Beijing?

The Official Website of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch RelayIs Amnesty carton killing the Olympic spirit in Beijing? Sport is something nice that we al are becoming ONE around, with headlines as this from China it feels good:

One World, One Dream, One Mountaineering Team.

But with other headlines as: “Ad turns Olympic torch into shock baton,” it doesn’t feel as good.

Amnesty International is launching a hard-hitting ad campaign, featuring an animated character being given electric shocks, to highlight human rights abuses in China in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics.

Watch the tone in the video. It is done carefully not to ugly (torture is ugly and not told normally by an carton). I think it is because Amnesty know it can backfire to use sport to get the massage out. They do it good and they have set up a campaign site here
Some charity organizations are starting to cross the line when things can backfire. Like doing event the same day/week that a pedophile has raped and killed a little girl. They do kill their brand by doing things like this – it is too desperate and overkills the message.