Is Amnesty carton killing the Olympic spirit in Beijing? Sport is something nice that we al are becoming ONE around, with headlines as this from China it feels good:
One World, One Dream, One Mountaineering Team.
But with other headlines as: “Ad turns Olympic torch into shock baton,” it doesn’t feel as good.
Amnesty International is launching a hard-hitting ad campaign, featuring an animated character being given electric shocks, to highlight human rights abuses in China in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics.
Watch the tone in the video. It is done carefully not to ugly (torture is ugly and not told normally by an carton). I think it is because Amnesty know it can backfire to use sport to get the massage out. They do it good and they have set up a campaign site here
Some charity organizations are starting to cross the line when things can backfire. Like doing event the same day/week that a pedophile has raped and killed a little girl. They do kill their brand by doing things like this – it is too desperate and overkills the message.