Is IKEA coming out of the closet?

In our last newsletter we released the idea that Ikea should make clothes. It became a viral global hit with up to five articles a day, including in The Guardian and the Daily Mirror.

Along with Jack Yan, publisher of the fashion magazine Lucire I wrote the press release which became more viral than we could have hoped. Many has built on and took the idea further and now there are even ads created for IKEA Fashion. It was really flattering when The Daily Mirror has recommended IKEA to contacts us in order to further grow the idea. We have spawned the idea, however it is up to IKEA to decide if they should come out of the closet or not.

Sample of press clipps:

‘Could Ikea move into fashion?’, Style (part of Vogue)
‘Could Ikea-style ‘flatpack clothes’ be the future of fashion?’, The Guardian
‘Would you buy flat-pack clothing from Ikea? Business expert predicts future where shoppers pick out clothes from the Swedish store to build at home’, Daily Mail
‘Ikea ger dig chans att designa egna kläder …’, Expressen
‘Är framtiden för Ikea att sälja kläder?‘, TT
Fashion from Ikea: could flatpack clothes take off?, Artefact magazine
Can IKEA Make Fast Fashion Even Faster?, Four Pins
‘Ikea na wojnie z H&M? Ich wej cie w bran odzie ow ma sens’, Biztok (video)
Could IKEA style ‘flat-pack’ clothes be the future of fashion?, NO
Will Minimalist, Ikea-Style Clothing Be the Fashion of the Future?, Daily Lounge
Could Ikea-Style ‘Flatpack Clothes’ Be the Next Fashion Trend?, Alter Net
‘Se la moda andasse all’Ikea: nel fai-da-te lo stile del futuro?’, 5AVI
Flat-pack fashion? Ikea clothing range could be next style sensation, Evoke
Flat-Pack Clothes: The Future of fashion?, ShoppersBase
‘Ikea goes fashion!’, Jim
‘Szwedzki gigant meblowy z pomys em na linie ubra’, Lubliniaki
‘Veldu og saumaðu saman þín eigin föt úr fatadeild Ikea’, Pressan
‘Kopen we straks ook jurkjes bij Ikea?’, De Telegraaf
‘Is Ikea-like “flatpack” style clothing the future of fashion as we know it? Well, one Swedish guy thinks so’, Bustle
‘Self-assembly fashion line for Ikea?’, Just-style
Could Ikea Move Into Fashion?, Bollymode
‘Modesvepet, vecka 44’, Rodeo
Taglia, cuci, sfila: se il vestito perfetto lo inventi da Ikea!, Pianeta Donna
‘Stefan Engeseth says Ikea may enter into fashion in future’, The Economic Times India
Ikea entrerà nel mondo della moda?, Lei di Piu
Ruhát az IKEA-ból? Ez a jövő!, Divany
‘Ikea i moda. Czy takie po czenie jest mo liwe?’, Vu Mag
Kopen we straks een trouwjurk bij Ikea?, Het Belang van Limburg
‘Ikea b dzie robi mod ? Niewykluczone!’, NaTemat
Could Ikea Move Into Fashion?, DesignBeats
‘Verkoopt Ikea binnenkort ook doe-het-zelfkledij?‘, Nina
Ikea: Otwarte drwi do mody, Enter The Room
‘Kopen we straks een trouwjurk bij Ikea?‘, Gazet van Antwerpen
Verkoopt Ikea binnenkort ook doe-het-zelfkledij?, DeMorgen
Moda z IKEA. Czy kupiłabyś ubrania szwedzkiej sieciówki, Avanti24
Ikea będzie robić modę? Niewykluczone! Natemat
Ikea tấn công vào thời trang, Ngoc Diep

When do you think that this idea will be in your closet?