This week I did held a lecture in Paris for the Circle network. There were many IT companies in the audience and as always in France, good food and wines. Thanks to Per and Yann for arranging the lecture. Many of the questions were mainly focusing on how to use the ONE model in a B-to-B situation. I think the French guru pointed it out perfectly:
We are in a B-to-B-to-C situation.
Jean-Noel Kapferer, Professor, HEC/School of Management
Going from B to B to C and back to B – by angling the mirrors, you get a clearer perspective of each other’s interests and can see the big picture in the world around you.
At this local restaurant could the guests borrow a staple gun and put whatever message they like on the walls. It is like a consumer mirror totally. People put everything on the wall: their country’s money; fly tickets, last cigarette, business cards, id-card to work and a lot of personal photos. When did you last see these types of consumer walls in big company headquarters?
I took this photo an early morning in Paris.