For not so long ago, it was cool to wear Levis jeans. Today it´s not. But the fact remains, jeans is a statement of the person wearing them – it is a walking opinion.
Recently a couple of young Swedish entrepreneurs started to import North Korea-made designer jeans called Noko Jeans. Shops did like the jeans but not the political statement they where dressed in. So they decided to get rid of all Noko Jeans in the swedish store PUB (see photo). The act of removing the jeans and making them unavailable will make the brand even more interesting for trend searching consumers. Brands that are hard to find automatically gets interesting. But for political jeans the statement can become dangerous, for example to wear Levis in Irak will not make you popular. But to wear political jeans at the right please can change perception of what is right and wrong.
Back in the eighties I called Greenpeace and suggested that they should start producing products to manifest their brand. At that time they where not interested, but today I think they would listen to the concept. If they would produce “Greenpeace Jeans” their believers would buy them for their values. It would make Greenpeace´s invisible grassroots visible and that could make a difference at the “hopenhagen” meeting. If their jeans where in a green color they could easily turn the hole city of Copenhagen a green movement.