Is so strange that we can al surf and share information but not directly. We have to translate it with Babel Fish ore other solutions. But why is there not a way for me to browse and search for any think in any langue ore blog. Why can’t I send an email to friends in any langue etc etc… It also can work with IP phone solutions as Skype etc. Well the smartest thing I seen on Internet is YOU (connected to open source so why don’t we make it happen?). I call this idea for a new open source software for “ONEinternet.”
It a simple solution, the ONEinternet you only put in what your langue (cookie) and then the receiver put in his ore her leagues. This means that the cookies will make your computer to switch langue in your browser, email, blog etc. It is more than a simple solution; it will make a flat world become round online. The same goes for search engines you search on your langue and gets hits on al the langue… this will make Google grow and connect al country, it could work as an (some will say it’s a peace project).