Philip Kotler’s adventures in marketing (new book)

Legendary Philip Kotler is the father of modern marketing. In his new book: My Adventures in Marketing: The Autobiography of Philip Kotler.

For over 50 years he has taught at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Kotler’s book “Marketing Management” is the most widely used textbook in marketing around the world. This is his story – How a Ph.D. economist from M.I.T. became the world’s leading marketing authority.

This limited edition book covers: new ideas on marketing science and practice – views on the future of marketing and retailing – views on place marketing, person marketing, idea and cause marketing – encounters with museums, art collectors, and the performing arts – concerns about the growing threats to Capitalism and Democracy – proposals for reducing poverty, corruption and income inequality.

There’s only one name in marketing: Phil Kotler. His latest may be his best-a summa that captures the best of his insights, as original today as when he first took pen in hand, forty years ago.

Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence

Phil Kotler is the reigning sage of marketing, with vast knowledge, penetrating insight, and a fabulous ability to synthesize a complex topic into truthful simplicity. A master teacher, Kotler continues to shape the minds of marketing leaders around the world-and through his writing, he can shape your mind, too.

Jim Collins, author of Good to Great

Do not miss this book, it is a sharp book, Phil Kotler goes deeper than no other marketing guru.

Stefan Engeseth, author of Sharkonomics