This story is nearly to good to be true. Talented musician Dave Carroll are also an consumer how know how to hit back if he is not well served. In this case he made a hit. Over 4 million viewers on YouTube.
This videos function as scary movies for all airlines corporations, not only United Airlines. I am not a musician but I often as a consumer have the feeling that employes are taking out their anger against their employer on the consumers. But when the opposite happens consumers as Dave can make songs about airlines as Southwest Airlines. It would be an good move to invite him to do so, with an costume made guitar payed for by Southwest airlines, the airline how makes consumers so happy that they start singing. They could let Fender build Dave’s new costume made guitar, others could then buy the exact guitar and with that fly with discussant if they play good music in the airplane (that will build buzz and sell guitars and unite consumers to fly with Southwest airlines).
This story journey ended up in many big news channels as Fox news.
Thanks to David Ulfstrand for informing me about this great story.