Shark tank + Sharkonomics = on stage at The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in New York

Its an honor and a pleasure to be one of the speakers at the Shark Tank event 12 feb at The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in New York.
Over 190 people will attend, bite into the topics, and pitch their ideas in the Shark Tank – it will crowded with Finnish, Swedish and American business people.

Setting the tone is Sudhir Venkatesh from Columbia University, who will share insights on best-practices from years working at Facebook and Twitter, when being tasked with building the world’s greatest team – literally.
And now, we’re excited to also welcome Stefan Engeseth, author of Sharkonomics:
Entering the American market can be a daunting task and to survive, some say, companies need to behave like sharks – if you don’t keep moving, you’ll drown.
The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce (checkout there website – it rocks).