After the book, lectures and workshops, we got a lot of feedback from hungry clients wanting to bite deeper into the knowledge of Sharkonomics.
The Sharkonomics consultancy services are based on the sharks’ 420 million years’ experience of development and focus on how companies can dominate their respective markets and take market share from their significantly larger competitors.
Some examples of Sharkonomics consultancy services:
• Move or Die: Find the right level of evolutionary balance
• Implementation of Sharkonomics’ attack and defence strategies
• Focus on getting all parts of the whole organization to work together towards the same goal in the same way as the shark’s muscles, finns and teeth work together and move the body in a co-ordinated way towards the clear goal of creating growth and dynamism.
• Efficient move towards the goal of the company: Focus and relevance create an efficient organization. By letting rationality and not emotion guide the organization, fat will turn to muscle which will help the organization move ahead.
• The ”sonar” identifies what’s in the water (the market), maps the total picture and draws relevant conclusions. Risk analysis and environment analysis find possible holes to fill in.
Sharkonomics consultancy services presentation (PDF).
Warm thanks to sharks and friends/clients who have given us input on how to package our services and swim forward.