My book Sharkonomics now swims amongst millions of young hungry readers, in a nation full of potential to grow fast. It’s humbling and amazing to see Sharkonomics translated into Vietnamese—a beautiful language rich with culture.
There are many business fields such as tourism, textiles, shoes, food and real estate where schools of sharks can attack and swim more globally if they add more Sharkonomics, making their dorsal fins faster.
In a time when Chinese and Indian production becomes more expensive, there is a chance for Vietnam to take bigger bites of market share if it moves fast enough. My hope is that Sharkonomics will inspire Vietnamese business people in both attack and defence—and they may find the ideas easy to embrace, like the principles of their martial arts. Since Vietnamese is such a great country which I have yet to visit, my hope now is to hold lectures about Sharkonomics, meet interesting people there, and experience the uniqueness of this land.