In a time when customization is growing faster than ever, its time to update the old model of: Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Did Google it today and did not find anything. I like to update USP to: Unique Selling Unique (USU).
I relations we search for the perfect match (two unique persons how become a couple). USU are a more private choice than buying a solution, USU needs to match YOU.
Consumers want to buy brands that are and make them unique. Internet is full of companies how provide uniqueness to consumers, here are a Swedish upcoming store (they guaranty that you are unique by only make around 50 T-Shirt of each design). Will GM give you the same guaranty that you are unique? Here are some unique cases on this blog: Adidas, GM, Zildjian, Fender etc. How USU are your brand? And how successful can it become with USU?