Travelling together creates common interests. Today’s media isn’t as fast as the Internet, but if you’re on the same bike, you’ll both get there at the same time.
Mass media lives very much in the here and now and as such is changing rapidly to keep up with it. Internet and blogs increased both the amount of information available and the speed at which it’s spread. The word “renaissance” is being used by respected people in the field such as journalism professor, Jay Rosen, New York University and journalist and writer John Lloyd, at the Financial Times. How can ONE be part of this renaissance?
Let’s suppose that CNN is, at this very moment, wondering how they can apply ONE to their organization.
Information travels faster and in far greater quantities than the media are able to cope with. The massive uses filters turn the flow into a manageable and brandable stream. Free newspapers, TV-like newspapers and newspaper-like TV serve up information in ever smaller and more easily digested portions. Profitability in the media world is based on in what way the raw information is processed, packaged and presented. The great flows of information have shifted to blogs and other digital forums where send and receiver have direct contact with each other and the world.
How can ONE improve the credibility of CNN or even Fox? And why are there no so few positive news stories that don’t stupid pet tricks? What would you do with one billion customers?
Is traditional TV news still the fastest medium? Or are bloggs and internet faster? Do you see how they can work together?