Let the best writers, editors, filmmakers, musicians and debaters create the content on your website. Let your customers help build your business. They will create value for themselves, you and your shareholders. Stefan asked me to write a list of websites where we can all be person of the year.
Join the revolution…
1. WordPress – Make your voice heard thanks to the king of blogs, and it’s free too!
2. Wikipedia – Who buys an encyclopaedia any longer? Users make certain Wikipedia is always up to date.
3. YouTube – Get your fifteen minutes of fame. Nothing is too insignificant to be shown on YouTube.
4. Del.icio.us – Find out what others who like purple bananas also like through social bookmarking.
5. Skypecasts – Talk to large groups of people about a shared interest.
6. MySpace – Few people over the age of thirty get it, but the social aspect of MySpace made it a hit.
7. Flickr – Share your photos.
8. digg – Influence the news.
9. Amazon – Online retail giant who understood from the start that customer reviews and recommendations based on people with similar interests add value.
10. Jumpcut – Edit your own videos online.
11. Last.fm – Discover new music based on what people with the same music taste like.
12. Xing – Professional networking, an alternative to Linkedin.
13. Netvibes – Create your own portal/home page.
14. coComment – Monitor your comments on blogs and add comments to websites.
15. Yahoo! Groups – One of several discussion groups.
Finally, some Swedish websites to keep an eye on:
Resdagboken – Write about your travels.
bubblare.se – Swedish YouTube alternative.
Digga – Digg in Swedish.
JayCut – Create your own movies.
Trig – MySpace meets modern design.
Ebento – Organize events.
Lars Johansson
Swedish coordinator, Web Analytics Association