Saab will launch an ad agency

It is great to see that Saab is starting to do a lot great things (I hope it is not to late):

Saab will launch a U.S. ad agency review after it completes the global agency search currently under way at the Saab AB corporate level.

Famous blogger Jack Yan did Twittering:

@EngesethsBlog had the same idea: it’s in one of his books.
Jack Yan

3 reaktioner på ” Saab will launch an ad agency”

  1. Huh? In the ad business, an ad agency review tends to mean that you’re re-considering your current ad agency (i.e. initiating the process to change your agency), not that you’re starting an agency yourself?

  2. Now I’ve reread both the Adweek-piece and the tweets about it. No, Saab is not even considering launching an ad agency, they’re considering changing theirs. If they can afford a new one, that is.

  3. Thanks Alf, Saab is having money problem, witch often means more creative than normal (not shore if you agree). Agency change ore not they need to change a lot of things fast and do it with a lot of new cash. I sincerely hope they find a solution and survive – it is an historical brand.

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