Music is something we have consumed and loved for generations.
After interviewing several brainexperts I have realized that music is not just music. Instead I believe music is a form of brainwaves that stimulates our brain to produce feel good signals in our body.
My idea is simply to develop sounds that can produce the same feeling, without being music. It may not be a popular idea to spread, but can turn into big business for those how make it happen.
Interesting idea.
Perhaps if you simplify the components of music to a “molecular level” then yes, music is a form of brainwave. The same would then be true for art or any other form of pleasure/entertainment.
I would however argue that music is more than just feel-good brainwaves. It is also a means of communication and expression reflection social and emotional feelings.
Thanks for good input. I believe that brainwave will be an big business one day. I also believe that business field will produces hits, but does hits will more compete with Prozac than U2.
Here is a brain wave generator – pls tell me when you’ve tried it 🙂
Souds great…. Will check and test it.