I would like to offer fellow bloggers some early information about my forthcoming book, Sharkonomics, which is about strategies for attacking market leaders, based on my study of shark behaviour.
The book will be published in March 2012. I even dived with sharks in South Africa as part of my research!
I really hope you will find this of interest to you and your followers. I hope you will find the book summary (pdf) interesting for your followers, it as open pdf, so please feel free to copy the text if you want to use it for your blog, Facebook, Twitter and other social media (just please quote the source: www.sharkonomics.com).
In return for you kindly sharing your interest in Sharkonomics with your followers, I would like to send you a (signed) copy of the book when it is available. Just send me an email containing your link to Sharkonomics. I only have 100 copies to give out, so it will be on a “first come” basis.
If you would like more information or materials relating to the book, or would like to discuss how we could collaborate in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Book cover:
Book summary online:
Thank you so much for your time and support. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Stefan Engeseth
Pingback: Stefan Engeseth’s next book: Sharkonomics—in business, what can we learn from sharks and their survival? « Jack Yan: the Persuader Blog