I have been holding lectures since 1996 and I´m still considering me a student (there is so much to learn). Who´s better to teach than the TED curator Chris Anderson? Chris is now sharing the best advices he´s got from the best speakers he´s ever meet in his new book: TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking.
There’s no single formula for a great talk, but there is a secret ingredient that all the best ones have in common. TED curator Chris Anderson shares this secret — along with four ways to make it work for you. Do you have what it takes to share an idea worth spreading?
Ted.com (video)
Chris Anderson has worked behind the scenes with all the TED speakers who have inspired us the most, and here he shares insights from such favorites as Sir Ken Robinson, Amy Cuddy, Elizabeth Gilbert, Salman Khan, Dan Gilbert, Monica Lewinsky, and dozens more everything from how to craft your talk s content to how you can be most effective on stage.