I believe that we as humans are programmed to function in a context. According to brain research, we organize information in different knowledge categories. This is not new. But what I can’t stop thinking of is that I believe we live exactly as our brain works (organize life to function in an context). When going to movies I can sometimes get frustrated because the story doesn’t start first after 15 minutes. Why? Because the filmmakers know that if they don’t establish a context in which the story will be told in we will not be able to follow the story. In other words, providing a context is an excellent way to help the receiver process information and understand the message.
I find context so interesting that I have the ambition to develop my thoughts about it in 10 blog posts. Each blog post will be numbered from 1 to 10. All the blog posts will be linked to each other. Context: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (these will be linked to different posts. I will not promise when all 10 will be done.
In psychology this is called cognitive psychology, where you can use the context to process information easier and more efficiently. One can then work successfully by partly changing the surroundings (the context) of the person. But to be efficient the context must have a relevance to the content. For example, the context of this blog is business thinking and if I would begin to write about horses it would then be to far from the context of this blog. Talking about horses would be wrong because it is not relevant to the context of this blog. Even if you like horses, it is still in the wrong context you will be reading about them.
To publish my points about context 1-10 in a bigger context I will refer to different movies. The knowledge about how we react in a context can be used for destructive manipulation as showed well in movies such as The Wave (Die Welle). Early masterminds as Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 – 1527) was in my opinion one of the first consultants in the art of shaping behavior and attitudes based on what people wanted to hear in the particular context (time, references, culture etc). His knowledge was not always used in a positive context. However, my goal is not to focus on the negative effects of context but rather on the positive effects.