Disruptivemedia.se: Lecture: Steve Rubel

Last week was the famous blogger Steve Rubel in Stockholm holding an lecture that I attended online at Disruptivemedia.se. His blog, Micro Persuasion is focusing on how technologies are developing marketing communications. He is today working for the PR agency Edelman (there website does not look to “web hot”). Edelman does not hire Steve Rubel to look hot, they do hire him to know what’s the hottest way to rich out with content trough new technologies (social media, search etc).

Here some of Steve Rubel best points:
“People don’t read online, we scan online.”
“Social search is growing to grow. We will search on what our friends say about different product and services.”
“Give your advocates tools, to spread the message.”
“You got the rethink, everything.”
“Embrace the conversation don’t try to control it. Invite the dialogue into your website instead of ban it. The reason is simple that there is now way to stop it so its better to be a part of the dialogue and build relations.”

His lecture was full of good points. The value of his points is lays in how well they are connected (witch was the subject of Brian Solis lecture).