Facebook.com: Police hunting criminals on Facebook

A friend of my, was sadly rubbed in Sweden. He got the police-report and and saw the name of the criminal how did rub him. Because he is a blogger he started to search online for the person, and guess what! He found the person how rub him on Facebook.com. He could then see his photo, friends etc (but he did not ad him as friend). First I thought he was joking with me but he did not (I will not put in the link to the criminal person here but it is a true story). The reason for why it happen is simple: The criminal world is like another business based on network, and for them many time a question of life and death. Facebook.com is in other words a good place for the police to hunt criminals on and understand how they build their networks.

3 reaktioner på ”Facebook.com: Police hunting criminals on Facebook”

  1. hehe… I suppose you mean rob, and not rub, right?
    You should consider the thrustworth of spelling in your blog!

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