Philip Kotler gave the madness of marketing structure

The marketing guru Philip Kotler gave us al the P-funk (the PPPP), and a lot more. But most of al he gave structure into the world of marketing. Here is an good article where he also talks about passion:

This guru believes in brand extensions. Especially his own. Thirty years ago, Philip Kotler injected method into the madness of marketing with his seminal textbook, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation & Control. Now 67 years young, the indefatigable iconoclast has kept his brand of seminal thinking as fresh as ever, cannibalising his own concepts of the past to create striking new paradigms for marketers in the 21st Century.

2 reaktioner på ”Philip Kotler gave the madness of marketing structure”

  1. Cecilia Mark-herbert

    Kotler does not care much for making references… He gladly takes pride in other people’s works – as a part of his own doings…

    I’d like to point out that it was not Kotler that developed the 4 P model… but McCarty – in 1960.

    E. Jerome McCarthy, Basic Marketing, Homewood, IL,Irwin (1960).

    Kotler HAS spred the word, written a lot of pedagogical books, developed other scolars’ models — but he needs to work on his own ethical conduct.

    With marketing interest but limited admiration of Kotler,
    Cilla Mark-Herbert

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