Plant trees direct from your HP printer

Every time you print from your computer it affects nature (and we know it). If HP develop software together with Greenpeace they could in the print screen window offer you to plant a tree every time you print out a paper (when you choose copies of paper to print you can also choose numbers of trees to plant). The payment solution is no problem; there are numbers of software to choose from. But think about the potential for nature, and think about the sales people from HP that can offer a “plant tree printer,” that will give them new green dollars.

4 reaktioner på ”Plant trees direct from your HP printer”

  1. Hi Bengt, Thanks for the input.
    My idea is simple: Every time you use nature you give back direct, use paper and plant trees. This idea could expand to every part of live, drive a mile and xxx
    I think Greenpeace controversy attacks was needed at the time they did it and is a way to fight back. But not always is a fight the best solution.
    Lets say HP make the plant tree function I suggest, and lets say they say they will plant 1 million trees. Then that is better than doing controversy attacs.

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