Press Release: Author gives away 800 copies of his new book for free

International author and speaker, Stefan Engeseth, gives away 800 copies of his new book, The Fall of PR and the Rise of Advertising, at Eurobest the european advertising festival. Online the book has already got more than 600.000 hits on Google search “the fall of PR.”
In our harsh economic times, it is important to move business forward. That’s why author Stefan Engeseth gives away 800 newly printed books at Eurobest the european advertising festival, taking place November 25–27 in Amsterdam. A copy of his book will be included in all delegates’ bags. It felt so logical for the author to do this that he also in person will hand out books at the festival. His goal is to raise the economic bar with his book, which is full of creative and inspiring business ideas. It is Engeseth’s dream as an author to reach all the readers who can make a difference, so he will also give away the full book as a free download on his site
Isn’t a bit too out-of-the-box to give away 800 books? ‘People keep telling me I think outside the box, but I really don’t know what they mean. I’ve never even seen the box,’ says Stefan Engeseth.

Move business forward and drag Top Management along with you!
Al Ries’ best selling book, The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR, shook the advertising industry to the bone. The advertising world was outraged. When Ries argued that advertising just wasn’t working any more, he had struck a nerve. Advertising was simply not changing with the times.
Half a decade later, things have come full circle. PR is now finding its credibility in the intensive care unit. Stefan Engeseth gives the PR business the same treatment. The Fall of PR & the Rise of Advertising, with a foreword by Al Ries, analyses the enormous changes in the media landscape in PR, advertising and everything in between.
Stefan Engeseth’s books, Detective Marketing and ONE, have firmly established him as one of today’s most refreshing business thinkers. In his latest book, The Fall of PR & the Rise of Advertising, he shows how advertising has redefined itself and re-emerged as a force to be reckoned with. Written in his trade mark, funny, original and provocative style, the book adds whole new dimensions to the business world.

Free download. Full content of the book.
Click here to free download the full content of the book.
10 points that are speeding up the fall of PR.
10 points that are speeding up the rise of advertising.
Click here to get photos and book cover in HR.

For more information, contact Stefan Engeseth.

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