Got an email today, first I thought it was green spam (but it don’t seem so). The green grassroots get it; I mean they understand that bloggers are as important as any other press relations. At they got a link in their menu to Press & Bloggers. That may be a small step for the web master but a big step for mankind to survive on earth.
Press & Bloggers: Do you have a blog, and are you interested in hearing about special news from the We Campaign? Click here to tell us about your blog, and we’ll periodically send you breaking news and relevant information. RSSYou can also subscribe to our Press and Blogger RSS feed to also get our press releases and other press-related content.
I am not a big fan of the fill out the field’s part. But at the same time if bloggers get the latest news and can spread the word to save the world, that’s powerful. If they can connect 1.000 good bloggers with RSS feed that will be faster than they can type a press release.
About Us: The We Campaign is a project of The Alliance for Climate Protection — a nonprofit, nonpartisan effort founded by Nobel laureate and former Vice President Al Gore. Our ultimate aim is to halt global warming. Specifically we are educating people in the US and around the world that the climate crisis is both urgent and solvable…
Keep up the good work, but next time it will be a good idea to connect the graphic better to Al Gore (where I sign up for the newsletter, so it don’t look as green spam). Why, because I think a lot of people want to spam use a super brand as Al Gore. Even does how’s intention not are to save the planet, instead stop them how are trying to do so – it is not only a question about good ore bad its also a balance be twin a saving the planet and big money that don’t what to change there profit.
Another point is to be more multi culture sense the planet is full of different people, how al wants to feel connected to your message.