From YouTube to YouPorn

Everyone knows that sex videos were one of the success factors for to build traffic at the beginning. But today they aren’t showing that kind of material ( is sexy brand but they will not allow that kind of material). So what happens then? was born (an adult site)! It is like user-generated. The sex industry is not happy; there is no business in sex if sex is for free (online). Some even say that YouPorn is now become the No. 1 adult site in the world.

Just nine months after going live, in September 2006, YouPorn was on pace to log about 15 million unique visitors in May… DVD sales are in free fall. Audiences are flocking to pornographic knockoffs of YouTube, especially a secretive site called YouPorn. And the amateurs are taking over. What’s happening to the adult-entertainment industry is exactly what’s happening to its Hollywood counterpart—only worse.

With new competition the sex industry needs to starts build brands and adding values like going green and saving the forest.

8 reaktioner på ”From YouTube to YouPorn”

  1. Its about time! Sooner or later the good guys figure out how to beat the corporate bastards who care nothing about anything but how to line their pockets! The WWW was always meant to be FREE! As it grew, businesses forgot that.

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