Never before has a shark been a professor. Therefor, rumors spread faster than an email when our Stefan visited Prague recently.
He shared his knowledge about how to use shark attack techniques with MBA students in Marketing Management at the University of New York in Prague. “It was an honor”, Stefan says. The rumors in Prague’s business community spread quickly. This is the first time a shark is a professor (and probably the first time ever in the world another spice acts as a professor).
Creative and hungry students swam like sharks
The students did create attack and defense strategies for various companies. The rumor of the shark approach had reached several companies that quickly signed up as test cases. Students are more open to innovative thinking than companies that tends to have their hands full with their daily business.
By grouping up the participating students and companies we could achieve a mix of knowledge and experience that created some very creative results. The companies that were part of the workshop offered a job opening to the students with the most creative solutions on the spot.
More companies are lining up to come and hear about the ideas that can come to life when the hungry sharks and swimming guest professor put their sharp minds together.
Unique brands swim longer
Czech companies work hard to maintain their local uniqueness. It is a crucial competitive advantage when you compete with global giants. This is particularly relevant for companies wanting to increase their exports as there is a risk that the company’s identity becomes more global than unique. Specially in a time when companies often change owners.
Kotler is the man, Stefan is the shark
Three books were on the reading list, Sharkonomics and ONE by our Stefan and Marketing Management of legendary Philip Kotler. Students came from all over the world and worked for companies such as DHL, Hyundai and others for banks, accounting firms , and within e-commerce and recruitment.
The question is; “Where does your company want to swim?” Find and by diving into the book Sharkonomics.
Guest Professor praise from University of New York in Prague:
Stefan Engeseth provided two weekends of dynamic lectures, brainstorming, and inspiration to our diverse group of MBA students in Prague as Guest Professor in Marketing Management. Beyond the classroom, Stefan was able to develop multiple connections and strategic partnerships in just a matter of days which he then incorporated into his second weekend at the University. Students were able to then apply their marketing skills directly to these visiting clients and to develop new ideas which are currently being explored. Thank you, Stefan, for sharing your charisma, energy, and experiences in such a real way with us!
Aaron Johnson, Ph.D., CFA
Graduate Business Programs Manager
University of New York in Prague
Thanks to University of New York in Prague for having the first professor in the world from another spice.
Thanks to the sharks for letting me represent their knowledge.
Thanks to the students for making Czech companies swim more globally.