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Press clips
- VIDEO: Innovation Fika/KTH by Donnie SC Lygonis (15 Jan, 2025).
- Lucire (New Zeeland) There’s still reason to be optimistic, really (13 Dec 2024).
- Sharkonomics 2 book reviewed by Jack Yan: ”A bite-sized business book…” (17 May 2023).
- Podcast: Stefan Engseth: Sharks, sharkonomics and what a few hundred million hears of evolution has to teach humans. World of Wisdom, EP176 by Amit Paul (5 May 2023).
- Stefan Engeseth proposes a swimsuit idea for Gymshark. (14.09.2022).
- Video: Bite into the future! Me interviewed at Spinnovation(22. May 2021).
- Norwegian magazine LederNytt. Angrep er det beste forsvar. By Inger Lise S. Kontochristos ().
- Podcast: The Strategic Tech Coaching, EP 73 (October, 2020).
- As predicted in Lucire six years ago: Ikea moves into fashion. (13.08.2020).
- Norwegian magazine LederNytt. Haien kommer (5 Pages in pdf). By Inger Lise S. Kontochristos (December, 2019).
- Two Chinese press clips for Sharkonomics (biting into Apple and Ikea):
鯊魚經濟學》:把弱點外包,是IKEA維持優勢的秘訣 / Outsourcing weaknesses is the secret of IKEA’s advantage. The News Lens. (2018/11/01).《鯊魚經濟學》:如何「一口接一口」地攻擊蘋果?/ How to attack Apple in one bite?. The News Lens. (2018/11/01). - Sharkonomics in Taiwan. 1. 2
- A radio Sharkonomics interview on Broadcast Corporation of China (16/12/2017).
- Stay On Top of Work With Stefan Engeseth! [PODCAST EPISODE #4]. Timecamp by Kate Kurzawska (January 11, 2018).
- Now is not the time to be fat and happy. Finnish construction magazine Talotekniikka-lehti by Minna Kärkkäinen (1/11/2017).
- Microsoft, IBM and Google attacking the housing construction segment (pdf) Finnish construction magazine Locus by Pekka Virolainen (1/2017).
- Bank Innovation: Let the customers in again or – or die. The Swedish Business Week / Veckans Affärer by Karl-Johan Byttner. (Week 43, October 27, 2016).
Interview with our Stefan and other future business thinkers. - Chines magazine Modern Weekly. Sharkonomics Chines article(17 September 2016), issue 926.
- Book review: The rise of advertising and PR (reklame + PR = sant). By Stian Lyberg, PR-operatørene (24 June 2016).
- Podcast: How Construction Will be Disrupted – Interview with Stefan Engeseth. By Aarni Heiskanen, AEC Business (20 June 2016).
- Swedish expert reveals how Google and Microsoft are about to pounce on this huge traditional industry. By Karl-Johan Byttner, (30 May 2016).
- “People always think I’m crazy. And then it happens.” Quoting Stefan Engeseth in an interview by Michelle Higgin in Flare Magazine (September, 2015). Article in PDF.
- Is IKEA coming out of the closet? Sample of press clipps.
- Would you buy flat-pack clothing from Ikea? Business expert predicts future where shoppers pick out clothes from the Swedish store to build at home. Daily Mail, article by Caroline Mcguire. 16 November 2014.
- Could Ikea-style ‘flatpack clothes’ be the future of fashion?The Guardian, article by Nathalie Olah. 3 November 2014.
- Could Ikea Move Into Fashion? Article by Justin Sullivan. 27 October 2014.
- Press release: Ikea will move into fashion next, predicts Swedish author Stefan Engeseth.
- ‘Sharkonomics’ makes debut in Japan. Article by Johan Nylander. 27 January 2014.
- Finnish business press: Print & Media, nr 6, 2013.
- Finnish business press: Otava Media (pdf).
Article by Heini Santos. 2013. - Radio New Zealand, Why we buy into invisible threats (Sharkonomics).
- CBS radio interview USA.
- Businesses have plenty to chew on in Sharkonomics
BizSugar - Bite me. NZ Marketing Magazine.
- Swedish marketing mind tells brands to adopt ‘Sharkonomics’. B&T Australia.
- Marketing Week ranks Sharkonomics as one of 2012 marketing buzzwords
- Why Sweden Is Teeming With Ad Talent.
- “Google’s mortality vs. evolution: Sharkonomics.” 28 March 2012 by Johan Nylander
- “Sell tomorrow today (innovation idea for Google)” at Posted by Martin Lindeskog.
- Three press pages about ONE in the biggest business magazine in Belgium: Trends. Reporter Sjoukje Smedt did write this good article in Nederland’s langue, download for free here (PDF).
- “Si vous n’écoutez pas votre marché, votre marché ne vous fera plus confiance.” (17 octobre 2008)
- “Media campaign will highlight benefits of print.” Czech Business Weeklyf, Irena Fuková (17. 09. 2007)
- “Consumers fine-tune companies” and “If you listen, they will come….” in Czech Business.
- Two pages about how not to end up under the ONE guillotine in the Czech leading marketing magazine Regal (PDF)
- Take 5. Creative Match
- “In order to succeed, a company must have customers on its side. This is why every manager should have a copy of ONE in his or her bookshelf.” Shortcut Magazine. Rating: 9 out of 10
- EMC – Newsletter (September 2006, PDF)
- “The book ONE is about one of today’s hottest topics – how companies can benefit from the energy of the consumer.” Internet World
- Two pages about ONE in Brand Strategy (PDF).
- Gurus Online & Magazine / Portugal.
- Tap into cultures and custumers. Brand Strategy (PDF)
- The consumer revolution. Contagious Magazine. (PDF)
- Press clips from ONE lecture in India.
- EMC – Newsletter (April 2005, PDF)
- CNA – TV interview in Asia
- Gulf Business – Discovering your creative streak (PDF)
- AdVocate – IAA Seminar (PDF)
- Brand Channel – ICA Soap (PDF)
- Brand Channel – Brand Features (PDF)
- Brand Strategy – Trends 2002/2003 (PDF)
- Saab out of the car-brand-box. Brand Repulic (PDF)
- Common sense in branding. Brand Repulic (PDF)
- Swede smell of success. In-Store Magazine (PDF)
- The Dancing Marketer
- Detective Marketing – Kapital
Photos etc may be used for editorial purposes. When quoting text or using visuals, please quote the source: and photographer, illustrator.