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Press clips

  1. VIDEO: Innovation Fika/KTH by Donnie SC Lygonis (15 Jan, 2025).
  2. Lucire (New Zeeland) There’s still reason to be optimistic, really (13 Dec 2024).
  3. Sharkonomics 2 book reviewed by Jack Yan: ”A bite-sized business book…” (17 May 2023).
  4. Podcast: Stefan Engseth: Sharks, sharkonomics and what a few hundred million hears of evolution has to teach humans. World of Wisdom, EP176 by Amit Paul (5 May 2023).
  5. Stefan Engeseth proposes a swimsuit idea for Gymshark. (14.09.2022).
  6. Video: Bite into the future! Me interviewed at Spinnovation(22. May 2021).
  7. Norwegian magazine LederNytt. Angrep er det beste forsvar. By Inger Lise S. Kontochristos ().
  8. Podcast: The Strategic Tech Coaching, EP 73 (October, 2020).
  9. As predicted in Lucire six years ago: Ikea moves into fashion. (13.08.2020).
  10. Norwegian magazine LederNytt. Haien kommer  (5 Pages in pdf). By Inger Lise S. Kontochristos (December, 2019).
  11. Two Chinese press clips for Sharkonomics (biting into Apple and Ikea):
    鯊魚經濟學》:把弱點外包,是IKEA維持優勢的秘訣 / Outsourcing weaknesses is the secret of IKEA’s advantage. The News Lens. (2018/11/01).
    《鯊魚經濟學》:如何「一口接一口」地攻擊蘋果?/ How to attack Apple in one bite?. The News Lens. (2018/11/01).
  12. Sharkonomics in Taiwan. 1. 2
  13. A radio Sharkonomics interview on Broadcast Corporation of China (16/12/2017).
  14. Stay On Top of Work With Stefan Engeseth! [PODCAST EPISODE #4]. Timecamp by Kate Kurzawska (January 11, 2018).
  15. Now is not the time to be fat and happy. Finnish construction magazine Talotekniikka-lehti by Minna Kärkkäinen (1/11/2017).
  16. Microsoft, IBM and Google attacking the housing construction segment (pdf) Finnish construction magazine Locus by Pekka Virolainen (1/2017).
  17. Bank Innovation: Let the customers in again or – or die. The Swedish Business Week / Veckans Affärer by Karl-Johan Byttner. (Week 43, October 27, 2016).
    Interview with our Stefan and other future business thinkers.
  18. Chines magazine Modern Weekly. Sharkonomics Chines article(17 September 2016), issue 926.
  19. Book review: The rise of advertising and PR (reklame + PR = sant). By Stian Lyberg, PR-operatørene (24 June 2016).
  20. Podcast: How Construction Will be Disrupted – Interview with Stefan Engeseth. By Aarni Heiskanen, AEC Business (20 June 2016).
  21. Swedish expert reveals how Google and Microsoft are about to pounce on this huge traditional industry. By Karl-Johan Byttner, (30 May 2016).
  22. “People always think I’m crazy. And then it happens.” Quoting Stefan Engeseth in an interview by Michelle Higgin in Flare Magazine (September, 2015). Article in PDF.
  23. Is IKEA coming out of the closet? Sample of press clipps.
  24. Would you buy flat-pack clothing from Ikea? Business expert predicts future where shoppers pick out clothes from the Swedish store to build at home. Daily Mail, article by Caroline Mcguire. 16 November 2014.
  25. Could Ikea-style ‘flatpack clothes’ be the future of fashion?The Guardian, article by Nathalie Olah. 3 November 2014.
  26. Could Ikea Move Into Fashion? Article by Justin Sullivan. 27 October 2014.
  27. Press release: Ikea will move into fashion next, predicts Swedish author Stefan Engeseth.
  28. ‘Sharkonomics’ makes debut in Japan. Article by Johan Nylander. 27 January 2014.
  29. Finnish business press: Print & Media, nr 6, 2013.
  30. Finnish business press: Otava Media (pdf).
    Article by Heini Santos. 2013.
  31. Radio New Zealand, Why we buy into invisible threats (Sharkonomics).
  32. CBS radio interview USA.
  33. Businesses have plenty to chew on in Sharkonomics
  34. Bite me. NZ Marketing Magazine.
  35. Swedish marketing mind tells brands to adopt ‘Sharkonomics’. B&T Australia.
  36. Marketing Week ranks Sharkonomics as one of 2012 marketing buzzwords
  37. Why Sweden Is Teeming With Ad Talent.
  38. “Google’s mortality vs. evolution: Sharkonomics.” 28 March 2012 by Johan Nylander
  39. “Sell tomorrow today (innovation idea for Google)” at Posted by Martin Lindeskog.
  40. Three press pages about ONE in  the biggest business magazine in Belgium: Trends.  Reporter Sjoukje Smedt did write this good article in Nederland’s langue, download for free here (PDF).
  41. “Si vous n’écoutez pas votre marché, votre marché ne vous fera plus confiance.” (17 octobre 2008)
  42. “Media campaign will highlight benefits of print.” Czech Business Weeklyf, Irena Fuková (17. 09. 2007)
  43. “Consumers fine-tune companies” and “If you listen, they will come….” in Czech Business.
  44. Two pages about how not to end up under the ONE guillotine in the Czech leading marketing magazine Regal (PDF)
  45. Take 5. Creative Match
  46. “In order to succeed, a company must have customers on its side. This is why every manager should have a copy of ONE in his or her bookshelf.” Shortcut Magazine. Rating: 9 out of 10
  47. EMC – Newsletter (September 2006, PDF)
  48. “The book ONE is about one of today’s hottest topics – how companies can benefit from the energy of the consumer.” Internet World
  49. Two pages about ONE in Brand Strategy (PDF).
  50. Gurus Online & Magazine / Portugal.
  51. Tap into cultures and custumers. Brand Strategy (PDF)
  52. The consumer revolution. Contagious Magazine. (PDF)
  53. Press clips from ONE lecture in India.
  54. EMC – Newsletter (April 2005, PDF)
  55. CNA – TV interview in Asia
  56. Gulf Business – Discovering your creative streak (PDF)
  57. AdVocate – IAA Seminar (PDF)
  58. Brand Channel – ICA Soap (PDF)
  59. Brand Channel – Brand Features (PDF)
  60. Brand Strategy – Trends 2002/2003 (PDF)
  61. Saab out of the car-brand-box. Brand Repulic (PDF)
  62. Common sense in branding. Brand Repulic (PDF)
  63. Swede smell of success. In-Store Magazine (PDF)
  64. The Dancing Marketer
  65. Detective Marketing – Kapital

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