Super trend 2014

In 2014, says our trend spotting that ordinary fashion retailers will offer superhero clothes.

Sound too extreme? Already this year, the 24th, will a red-dressed superhero show up with magical powers that makes everyone to be kind.

Create super trend in three steps:
In deep water are trends moving on an unthinkable level: A wave of movies with superheroes starring such movie Kick -Ass shows how ordinary people dress as superheroes and fight crime.

The next level is possible: In the U.S., thousands of people dressed in home made costumes and patrolling the streets as superheroes (not always to the delight of the police).

The visible level: The fashion industry has always captured the extreme and translated it into commercially marketable products for example from punk to hair coloring. Soon, chains like H&M can offer clothes that symbolize superpowers. Actually these trend already exist in the form of tight workout clothes, ski wear and professional uniforms. The demand is super strong because who does not want to feel like a superhero?

What costume would you choose?
Who believe in Santa Claus without the dress ?
What trends can you create in 2014 ? Describe the three levels ?